Friday, November 10, 2006

Sketch Updates

First, here's some heads I did at the CAPS meeting last night, where our guest was Drew Struzan:

(Click to enlarge) These are sort of stemming from all the character work I did on Sopranos. I learned a huge amount about how heads and faces are constructed from doing all those photo-realistic people, but until I did these I haven't really been going after that sort of art away from work (haven't done any since finishing Sopranos at work, either), and seeing Drew's work reminded me that I'd done a lot of it, and maybe I should try some more on my own.

These two heads are done without reference, just out of my head. I liked the one on the left, but when I scanned it in I did something that I do all the time when drawing digitally that can be hard to do on paper; I flipped the image horizontally, and found this:

(Click to enlarge) Now, the older bald guy still looks pretty good, but you can clearly see the flattening distortion of the other guy's face, and his eyes are not situated properly, one is lower than the other, and the ear is at a funny angle. Actually if you cover up the top half of the guy's head, covering the eyes and higher, the lower half of the face looks good. It's nothing I wouldn't be able to fix, it's just a lot harder using traditional media.

Now, here's some quick new stuff for the Eon challenge, also done during the meeting - when else do I have time to draw??

(Click to enlarge) These are a couple of quick views of one scene that I might illustrate, just going for layout and composition.

(Click to enlarge) And this is a take on what I saw in my head for another scene, which could become a component of yet another scene I might paint. A couple of other artists are also messing with this scene though, so I would really have to nail it and feel extra confident to complete that as my final submission. I'm probably going to develop as many as five or six different ideas up to color comp stage before choosing what I'll end up finishing out.

I have a "Me Weekend" this week so along with all the other stuff I'm doing I will squeeze in some more sketching on this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like the old guy. He looks like he belongs in Dune, or something.


12:15 PM  

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