Thursday, December 11, 2008

Steampunk Challenge

CGTalk has started another art challenge, "Steampunk Myths & Legends." I'm starting late, all the best legends are taken, so I'm going to do a more humble yet enduring fable instead: "The Tortoise and The Hare."

I'm telling the tale as a gentlemanly race between the champion Commodore Harding Rasmussen (and crew), with his celebrated racing conveyance "The Hare," and office clerk/backyard inventor Mr. Arlo Crabthwaite (and son) and his ingenious competitive land transport, "The Tortoise," which you see above.

This is a concept drawing just to bake the Tortoise (and Mr. Crabthwaite) into my mind. Tomorrow I'll do one of the Hare, and then I have to get working on the final image, which is due January 12, so I'll have to hustle.

If you want to follow my entry on CGTalk, here's my thread.

Just for fun, here's the drawing in ye olde blueprint style:

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OpenID blackwolfalpha1 said...

That land transport is outrageous man. Wicked cool. I'm glad that you're back.

Boss slaps DiNozzo on the back of his head

Next time you are doing anything resembling moving dude, take along a few cheap, reliable spiral bound sketchpads.

1:42 PM  
Blogger Jeff Z said...

Oh the problem wasn't lack of drawing materials, it was that I had to carry almost all the crap from apartment to apartment by MYSELF.

Kinda hard to draw when most of the time you've got a big cardboard box in your hand! :D

Thanks for nice comment!

1:51 PM  

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